Hi 😊,I'm LaLuna and I'm going to take you away on a journey through my past, present and future..
Take what you need from the blog. Learn from my experiences, the do's but definitely also the dont's (trust me I made a few🙈). Follow me through my journey how I became a submissive and how I experienced it irl as online.
First I will explain where and how I grow up.I was raised in a full family. My parents and 3 older sisters. My parents had an own company and my mother was very very feministic. My sisters and I where raised with that as centre. How often I heard man and woman are equils, woman need to go to college and make their own money, we can't be dependent of a man, everything a man can a woman can.
And me youngest off all ( between me and the youngest after that is 8 years), a bit of the suprise. Of course I agreed. I didn't know better. And with 4 feminists in the house you don't know anything else. But at the same time.. I wasn't really interested in it.When the discussions about it came up at home (and trust me that was often) I always felt un easy. And rather was quiet or nod yes to not have to join the discussion.
When I was 17 I started a summer job in another city on the coast. Amazing what a freedom. Not 4 'mother's' above me.
I'm a very extravert person, and have trouble to stay in myself. And most of the time I don't feel good when I'm at that point. But my head has a thousand thoughts in a minute and that makes me extrovert.
So I started working in a hotel-restaurant-ice store - bar. We worked with a big group of people around my age. Many clubs nearby. It was amazing. But also it made me life to much outside of myself.
In the kitchen worked a Chef. That man had authority all over him. His vibe, precense, voice and his endless self confidence... I was drawn to him immediately. Being near him made me breath. We became unspoken friends.
So after a busy shift he put a barchair in his kitchen near him. And asked do you want to sit here and rest. I say he asked... But no wasn't an answer, I knew it, I felt it in my core.
I loved these moments. Even sitting there made my mind more silent. Made my extrovert behavior more introvert. I stayed more in myself.
Every evening after work we went with a big group from work to a bar and later clubbing. Chef always came along. And we talked every evening about everything. That's the moment I learned about Dominance and submission.He told me he was a Dominant and explained some of it. I was intrigued for sure.
He was my anchor that summer and became great friends (non sexual).
And understand me right I have partied there and had the most amazing time. But to stand with someone who only with his presence made me back into my own borders. Gave me peace and rest.
Summer was over and I came home in one of the discussions. And it fell as a brick on my tummy. Because the; 'we don't need someone to make our lives'. And the only thing I thought was I do .. I do need someone who helps me to stay by myself.
So I started to look into Dominance. First thing I saw was BDSM... Full on. Pictures of woman tight down on a cross, woman spanked with a peddle. And I was shocked! I was hell no!! No fucking man will hit me! Wtf is this!?!
This isn't what I experienced. This is not what I want.
So I stopped, didn't looked further and thought this ain't for me!